
Specialist insurance for dogs

About Us


K9 COVER was launched in 2021 to provide greater choice to millions of pet owners looking to move insurer but frustrated with the restrictions placed on pre-existing medical conditions. We are UK based and cater specifically for dogs. Our innovative screening technology assesses your dog's health at the outset providing greater certainty in the event of a claim and giving dog owners an alternative to the dilemma of escalating lifetime premiums versus excluded medical conditions.


K9 are the only pet insurance company to offer online medical screening which covers both pre-existing conditions AND ongoing (chronic) conditions such as diabetes. Our process doesn't give a simple yes or no answer per condition, instead it looks at the severity of each ailment, when it occurred and if treatment is still being received. We have significant expertise in this field with management having spent over a decade working with medical screening solutions for other forms of insurance. It's a complex offering which will continue to evolve over the years. 


We are of course dog lovers too and it’s possible that one or two images across the site are our own pets! Naturally we have a vested interest in how this market operates and have done our best to fix a problem but we’re always looking to improve our service so if you feel you’ve got an idea or way in which we can adapt then we’d be delighted to hear it.


In providing cover where others shy away our aim is to save dog owners money and ensure these wonderful companions have a long and healthy life.


K9Cover Image
K9Cover Image