
Specialist insurance for dogs

How do I arrange a policy?

You can arrange pet insurance via our website. It will take less than a minute to complete the basic quote information for your dog. If you would like to cover your dog’s pre-existing medical conditions please also complete the online medical screening process. Once both parts of the quote have been completed choose your cover level then enter your personal information and payment information. Your policy documents will be emailed to you once you have confirmed payment.



What information will I need to insure my dog?

To get a quote with K9 COVER you will be expected to know the age and the breed(s) of your dog. Sometimes it is difficult to know the exact date of birth of your dog therefore we require just the month and year. You will also be expected to know the price paid for your dog, which vet they are registered with and their medical history, including any past surgeries or treatments.



Is there a maximum or a minimum age for dog insurance?

The minimum age for dog insurance is currently 8 weeks. The current maximum age for new policies is 10 years and 364 days, so provided your dog is insured with us prior to its 11th birthday we will invite renewal throughout their lifetime. Where possible K9 COVER avoid placing a maximum age limit on policies but it may be necessary to impose a restriction on a breed by breed basis. 



I have more than one dog, can I get a discount?

Absolutely! We recognise that existing policies don't always renew at the same time so we'll give you a unique promotional code which is valid year-round for your own dogs and any others in your extended family. The discount varies but it will never be less than 5% on any additional pet. You can also pass this on to friends.



Are there any breeds you do not insure?

Regrettably it is not possible at this time to insure every breed of dog. A list of breeds which are currently banned from ownership by the government can be found here. There are also a number of breeds which insurers have experienced challenges providing cover for. The list changes from time to time so our approach is to include every known breed in our dropdown list at the start of the quote and then tell you if this breed, or any dog mixed with this breed, cannot be insured.



Can pre-existing medical conditions be covered?

Yes, subject to declaration and acceptance. K9 COVER is proud to provide online screening for pre-existing medical conditions. If you want to cover your dog’s pre-existing medical conditions please answer the online medical screening questions. All cover decisions are subject to limits imposed by our underwriters and may vary by breed and other criteria. It is not possible to cover every pre-existing condition.



Does my policy include dental cover?

Yes. Our policy includes damage to your dog's teeth from illness or injury up to £1,000 per annum. This does not include routine dental care or treatment and will not be paid unless your dog has had its teeth checked by a vet in the 12 months before the onset date of the claim. If any treatment was recommended as a result of the check this must have been carried out.



Will the vet be paid directly for any treatment costs?

Claim payments will be handled by the underwriter of your policy. If your vet is happy to deal directly with the underwriter then payments can be made directly. Where you have had to pay for treatment yourself, provided this falls within the policy boundaries you can claim the costs back from the underwriter less any excess and/or co-payment.



What does lifetime pet insurance cover mean?

The term 'Lifetime cover' varies across pet insurers. All K9 COVER policies offer lifetime cover which means that, subject to screening and acceptance, any pre-existing medical condition, ongoing (chronic) condition or prior injury can be covered in the event of a claim. As at January 2024 the vast majority of UK pet insurers either exclude or place arbitrary limits on any pre-existing medical conditions which occur prior to their first policy with that insurer. For more information click here  



Can I pay for my pet insurance policy in instalments?

Yes. All dog insurance policies from K9 COVER can be paid in instalments. Our options may vary but will usually include; 12 equal monthly instalments, 6 equal payments over 6 months, and 3 equal payments over 3 months. 



Can I amend the level of cover after I have purchased a policy?

Within 14 days of purchasing your policy it is usually possible to make any amendment, provided you haven't incurred a claim. After this period your cover limits will remain in force until renewal. If you need to make a change please email [email protected] or use our contact form.



How do I make a claim?

Firstly, if you are unsure whether your dog may need to see a vet please take advantage of our K9 Helpline 24/7 which provides access to trained veterinary nurses. The team can assist with a variety of issues, including accidents and illnesses. If you then need to make a claim please head to our EXISTING CLIENTS webpage. Please be aware that our policy wording carries stipulations regarding the time limits of claim notifications but in general the sooner you contact us the greater the reassurance we can provide.



How much excess will I pay?

You have the ability to choose your excess at the commencement of your policy, usually between £100 and £500. 



Is there a co-payment in the event of a claim?

In the event of a claim you would contribute 20% of the claim cost if your dog is aged between 7 and 11, or 25% if the dog is 12 years or over. The co-payment is deducted after the excess. So, if for example you had an 8-year-old dog and your total claim was £2900 and you opted for our default excess of £100, the co-payment would be 20% of £2800, which is £560. This means you would receive £2240 in total towards your claim. There is no co-payment if your dog is under 7 years at the time of the incident.



Why do insurers charge a co-payment?

In the last decade insurers have conducted research which shows the majority of policyholders are happy to contribute towards a claim if it means a reduction in premium. This contribution varies by insurer and ours only begins at age 7.



How do I get a copy of my policy documents?

If you would like us to re-send your policy documents please email [email protected] or use our contact form.



How do I make a complaint?

If you would like to make a complaint please visit our Existing Clients page, where full details can be found. 



How do I contact you?

If you would like to contact us for any reason please email [email protected] or use our contact form