
Specialist insurance for dogs

Top 5 Tips for Training Your Dog
Top 5 Tips for Training Your Dog
By Sophie Rioch

Training your dog is very important if you want to maintain a healthy relationship with your pet. Obedience training helps you and your dog to understand what is expected, where the boundaries are and what is considered good behaviour. Training should start as soon as you bring your dog home whether it is a puppy or rescue dog. In this article we offer our top 5 tips for training your dog. 


Choose the Appropriate Time

Choosing the right time of day to train your dog is key to successful training. Make sure you choose a time of day when you know your dog is active and alert. This time might be first thing in the morning or after your dog has had a nap. In addition to choosing the right time of day also make sure that you dog is ready to train. Always feed your dog and make sure your dog has been to the bathroom before you begin the training session. This will help your dog to keep their focus during the training time.


Choose the Right Location

It is important to begin your dog’s training in a place that is familiar to you both. This will help your dog relax and it will help you feel like you are in control of the environment. Choose a place that offers enough room for your dog to run free and practice commands.


Remove Any Distractions

Your dog will have to concentrate during the training time so make sure you remove any potential distractions. Ensure that the location you have chosen has minimal noise from traffic and other types of vehicle. The location should also be free from other dogs and animals so that your dog does not wander off to play.


Use Your Dog’s Name Consistently

Your dog needs to know that the commands you are articulating are for them. Throughout the dog training process use your dog’s name consistently so that they know you want them to respond to you. The tone of your voice will begin to resonate with your dog, so they know when you are expecting a response and when you are offering affection.


Reward Good Behaviour

Offer your dog a reward for their good behaviour during the training time. The reward should be a special treat, or something that you dog will really look forward to so that they know the difference between a regular treat and a treat that is being given to reward good behaviour. The reward doesn’t always have to be a treat, offering a favourite toy is also a good way to reward positive behaviour when practising recall commands. If you do offer treats as a reward check that this does not mean your dog will exceed their daily calorie intake. A reward is not meant to make your dog unhealthy.


For more dog advice visit our dog advice page, for a quote please visit our quote page.  We offer pet insurance for pre existing medical conditions. We also offer pet insurance for older dogs